Upper Body Lift

Many people feel self-conscious about sagging skin on their upper body. Plastic surgeons offer brachioplasties, mastopexies, and other body recontouring surgeries to deal with drooping excess skin on individual body parts, but if you have this issue on numerous regions, an upper body lift may be right for you.

An upper body lift targets loose skin and fatty tissue deposits on the back and the chest area, along with the upper arms. For women, this procedure can include a breast lift. For men dealing with gynecomastia, the upper body lift surgery may involve a breast reduction to correct the issue.

To learn more about upper body lift surgery and go over the procedure with a qualified plastic surgeon, arrange a consultation by contacting our office. Doctors Lawrence Chang and Joseph Thornton, both board-certified plastic surgeons, are happy to answer any questions you may have and make sure you fully understand the upper body lift procedure.