Labiaplasty Surgery in Newark, DE

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Labiaplasty in Newark is available at Advanced Plastic Surgery Center & Nouveau Cosmetic Center to correct issues regarding the look, shape, or feel of one’s private area. Procedures can be done discretely in the office, or more extensive cases can be addressed at an outpatient surgery center.

Many women are bothered by their large labia, asymmetric labia, or related female genital issues. A short surgical procedure may be all you need to reduce large labia (labia minora and labia majora) to diminish their outward appearance and correct misshapenness or irregularities. Additionally, this may not be simply a cosmetic concern but a functional one as well, since excessive labia may be problematic for hygiene and sexual relations.

Surgical excision and repair of the labia can improve a person’s appearance, not only naked in front of the mirror but also in tight clothing, especially bathing suits, cheerleading or dance attire, and even some tights. This is a problem many women have been concerned with their whole lives. The one thing our patients always say is, “I can’t believe I waited so long! It was so simple, with a much easier recovery than expected.”

Highlights of the Process

  • Personalized consultation
  • Evaluation of areas of concern
  • Local anesthesia for minor office based surgery
  • Sedation at surgery center for more extensive treatment
  • Reduction in size, correction of irregularities, or creation of normal symmetry of the labia
  • Adjunctive liposculpting to area if needed
  • Mild to moderate bruising
  • No exercise or strenuous activity for 2-4 weeks

What is Labiaplasty

This is a very common vaginal rejuvenation procedure with growing demand as more and more women find that there is an answer to their problems.

Procedures may involve simply reducing large or hanging labia, matching asymmetric labia, or tightening or filling the labial area. For some individuals liposuction and reduction of the pubic area (above the labia) or along the labia majora (outer area) is combined for an optimal effect.

Labiaplasty Procedure

Most procedures are done in the office very discretely under local anesthetic…and before you get too worried, we utilize a program of a topical anesthetic prior to the injection which makes the procedure very tolerable and for most women, easier than they expected. The procedure generally takes about an hour, but will give you a lifetime of improvement.

More extensive procedures are done on an outpatient basis at a surgery center with anesthesia. This can be done for patient comfort if you prefer to be asleep for the procedure, and it may also be necessary for combined or extensive procedures.

Labiaplasty Recovery

Recovery after labial rejuvenation involves simply keeping the area clean and covered with a topical antibiotic ointment during the initial healing process. Sutures are removed a week after surgery. At that time, you can slowly advance back to full activity over 3-4 wks.

Many women choose the end of the week for a long weekend to recover, but others have gone back to work the next day. Soreness is expected for a few days but is generally well tolerated with minimal if any pain medication. Strenuous exercise and sexual activity are put on hold for 3-4 weeks depending on healing.


While no surgery we do is scarless, the scars from labiaplasty tend to be very well hidden and of a very nice quality. While it is possible to have clearly visible scars, it is very UNCOMMON and the vast majority by 2-3 months after surgery can be difficult to see. Women report improved confidence in bathing suits, in front of the mirror, and in front of their significant others.

Labiaplasty Cost

The cost of labiaplasty surgery varies based a number of factors. The exact techniques required affect price, as do anesthesia fees and total time required to perform the procedure.

Ready for Your Next Step?

Advanced Plastic Surgery Center & Nouveau Cosmetic Center located in Newark, Delaware, is convenient to Wilmington, Elkton Maryland, Chester County Pennsylvania, and Southern New Jersey.

Our well trained staff and highly qualified surgeons are available to assist you with your cosmetic needs and discuss your concerns regarding labiaplasty. Our surgeons use the latest in surgical technology to provide patients with the finest medical care and to deliver natural-looking results.

Please contact us today schedule your personalized and private consultation regarding labiaplasty in Newark. Our plastic surgeons will discuss the best options for your needs and discuss all aspects of the procedure at your initial consultation.