EMSCULPT Body Contouring Treatment in Newark


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EM SCULPT machine

  • Improves the tone and shape of one’s stomach or buttocks
  • Body Contouring by Muscle Building
  • noninvasive HIFEM (High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology induces supramaximal muscle contractions not achieved with voluntary contractions
  • Muscle tissue responds to supramaximal contractions with a deep remodeling of its structure that results in muscle building and sculpting your body
  • 16% average increase in muscle mass and 19% average fat reduction
  • 96% average patient satisfaction

Girl lying down - EM SCULPTvoluntary muscle contractions - EM SCULPT
metabolism during volutary contractions - EM SCULPTEM SCULPT - supramaximal muscle contractions

It’s been 6 months since I had my surgery, and it was the best decision that I have made to better my life and health. Dr. Chang is an awesome doctor with an amazing staff who cares for his patients. At times I never thought that I can look at myself without feeling sad because my outside didn’t match what I felt like on the inside. No matter how many diets I went on or how much exercise I would do, nothing worked until I found Dr. Chang. My husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and this was the best present I would have ever received. Thank you, Dr. Chang!!!

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EM SCULPT Before and After ResultsBEFORE
EM SCULPT Before and After ResultsAFTER

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Am I a candidate? Anyone can benefit from the EMSCULPT procedure. The most impressive results are seen in patients with a BMI of 25 or less. Ask your provider for more details
  • What is the treatment time? A 30-minute treatment with 4 sessions scheduled 1-2 weeks apart. Your provider will help you create a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals
  • What does it feel like? EMSCULPT procedure feels like an intensive workout without sweat. You can lay down and relax during the treatment

EM SCULPT procedure 1EM SCULPT procedure
EM SCULPT procedureMetabolism during supramaximal contractions

  • Is there any downtime? Pre/post-treatment preparation? No. EMSCULPT is noninvasive and requires no recovery or pre/post treatment
  • How fast will I see results? You begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. Visible improvements are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments

EM SCULPT back procedureBack result

How Much Does EMSCULPT Cost?

The price of EM SCULPT varies widely depending on multiple factors, including the number of treatments required to achieve optimal results and the cosmetic or medical concerns you want to address. Contact us today and find out what’s best for you.

Schedule a Consultation

Get the sculpted body you’ve always wanted with EM SCULPT. For a more comprehensive transformation, explore our full range of non-surgical cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery, medical spa treatments, hair restoration, and more. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a stronger, more confident you.

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