Spray Tanning Newark
At our Nouveau Cosmetic Center, we offer a wide variety of treatments and procedures to improve the health and vibrancy of your skin. Whether it’s spring, winter, fall, or summer, a tan can give you a healthy, vibrant glow. Fantasy Tan is a spray tanning treatment we tailor to meet your individual needs. We understand that no two people are exactly alike and that for a tan to look natural, it should suit your skin type. Our trained professionals customize the tanning formula to your specific needs. The amino acids in your skin then respond to the DHA and other ingredients in the formula to create the most natural-looking, vibrant sunless tan you’ve ever experienced.
Unlike some other sunless tans, with our Fantasy Tan, there is no orange discoloration or streaking. Your Fantasy Tan results will last from seven to ten days. For optimal results, prior to getting your Fantasy Tan, you should exfoliate your skin, shave your legs, remove or avoid wearing makeup and moisturizers, and wear dark, loose-fitting clothing and undergarments to the appointment. Following your Fantasy Tan, wait eight to twelve hours before showering, then apply moisturizer in the morning and night after your shower. You should also avoid long hot showers, baths and scrubbing the skin. If you’re ready to get the vibrant glow of a tan without risking harmful UV rays, contact our office to schedule your Fantasy Tan appointment.