This is a 31-year-old female with complaints of her breast and abdomen. She is a mother of three and was ready to get her body back after having all of her children. The surgical plan consisted of a breast augmentation and abdominoplasty with liposuction.
First, her abdomen was addressed. Abdominoplasty was performed to repair her muscles and remove her excess skin. That was joined with liposuction to give her an overall nice shape. For the breast augmentation the patient chose Saline implants filled to 450 cc. Due to the fact that she has tuberous breasts the implants were placed subglandular through an inframammary fold incision.
Patient Age: 31
Patient Gender: Female
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 160
Implant Wall: smooth
Implant Placement: subglandular
Implant Contents: saline
Implant Size: 450 cc
Implant Shape: round
Breast Incision Type: inframammary